Naturopathic medicine

What is it? How Does It Work?

Some Important Things To Know First!

•   Naturopathic Medicine’s foundation is utilization of therapies that first do no harm

•   It is prevention of disease through health lifestyle and control of risk factors

•   Recognition and encouragement of the body’s inherent healing abilities

•   Treatment of the whole person – physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual

•   Identification and treatment of the causes of diseases rather than elimination of symptoms

•   Education of the patient and cultivation of an attitude of personal responsibly for one’s health

A licensed naturopathic doctor (ND) attends a four-year, graduate-level naturopathic medical school and is educated in all of the same basic sciences as an MD, but also studies holistic and non-toxic approaches to therapy with a strong emphasis on disease prevention and optimizing wellness.

In addition to a standard medical curriculum, the naturopathic doctor is required to complete four years of training in clinical nutrition, acupuncture, homeopathic medicine, botanical medicine, psychology, and counseling.

A naturopathic doctor also takes rigorous professional board exams.


family clinic of natural medicine naturopathic doctors

Meet Our Doctors: Rebecca Georgia N.D, Jonathan Cotter M.D, Aaron J. Henkel N.D, Robert E. Coleman N.D & Charlotte Litjens N.D

We Have Many Services To Offer. Not Sure Which Is Right For You? Just Give Us a Call to Get Started!

During your initial two hour visit, your doctor will ask you questions about your present and past health, while listening to your story. Once a full health history is taken, pertinent physical exams may be conducted, such as temperature and blood pressure, and listening to your heart. The doctor will conduct a thorough review of past laboratory reports, and if necessary, laboratory tests may be ordered to fill any gaps in this information. Then your doctor may make recommendations, such as dietary and lifestyle changes, therapeutic exercise, herbs or supplements, or hydrotherapy techniques – preferably in cooperation with your primary care provider.

A follow up visit is often scheduled 2-6 weeks after the initial appointment and lasts 45 minutes to an hour. Your doctor will go over any changes that have occurred, answer any questions that have came up, recommend supplements or other tests if needed, and continue to encourage you on your path to optimal health and wellness.

We offer a wide variety of complementary and alternative modalities to help you achieve your health goals. Your doctor will partner with you to find the best course of action based on your individual needs.

‘May You Be In Good Health, Even As Your Soul Prospers’ III John: 2

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Opening Hours:

Monday 8am-5pm

Tuesday – Thursday 8am-4pm

Friday 8am-3pm




51 N. Main St

(Mailing Po Box 224)

Deerfield, WI 53531

Phone 608.222.2700

 Fax 608.222.2771